
Thursday 16 November 2017

Mc Donald Blocks

so today me, khin linn and Lesieli  made Mc Donald with blocks. We have a burger, some fries, coke, frozen fanta, 2 rub-ix cube's and toy blocks. Hope you like our new and improved Mc Donald.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Film#1 The stalker Crazy carrots!

Crazy carrots!
In Term 3, we got the chance to make our very own films. 
The theme for this year’s films, “confident, connected, actively involved lifelong learners”. Our teacher, Mrs Faalili put us into groups. My group was The Crazy Carrots. We learnt about story-boarding, different types of shots and angles as well as how to hold the iPad correctly. Our film is a Horror comedy and it is about 2 kids finding a way to defeat their challenges. The people who help cast this film is Mone, Leeroy, Jonay and myself. One thing I really liked about this whole filming process was having fun with my group and acting